About AVIS
The Amaganset Village Improvement Society held its first meeting September 21, 1921. The original officers were Miss Florence Eichhorn, president; Mrs. Harry L. Hamlin, vice president; Mrs. Jon Mulford, treasurer, and Mrs. George V. Schellinger, secretary.
The Society stated as its objectives: "the improvement of the roads, sidewalks, cemeteries, parks and greens of the said Amagansett and vicinity, and for the improvement and advancement of the welfare and the best interest of said village of Amagansett."
In 1937, during the presidency of Mrs. Lewis S. Parsons (who was president for almost twenty years), the Society was incorporated. Its aims and purposes were broadened to include "the preservation of historical objects, the gathering and dissemination of information concerning the early history." The by-laws and constitution were again changed in 1948 to give men full membership.
The Society has always taken an active role in espousing civic betterment. It has cared for the trees that line our streets and from time to time has planted new ones. Care of the Old Corner Burying Ground was undertaken for many years by this organization. At Christmas time a tree on the Green is lighted. AVIS has been instrumental in getting action taken to brick the area in front of the business establishments in the village; in having sidealks laid, in having electric lines laid underground along Bluff Road; in getting the Long Island Rail Road to paint its station and to landscape its grounds.

Amagansett Village Improvement Society
Victor A. Gelb
Joan Tulp
Eileen O'Reilly
Recording Secretary
Alison Fantini
Corresponding Secretary
Marguerite Gualtieri
Anna Bernasek
Barbara Borg
Michael Cinque
Cam Gelb
Sue Jaxheimer
Kathy Mullen
Cathy Peacock
Kim Slater